Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"New" Tour Day 5: Woodstock, NB

Parked the smart car in the historic downtown of Houlton and it immediately drew attention and questions from the locals. A kind gentleman in a sporty Mazda offered to open up the Aroostook Historical and Art Museum for us if we'd like to visit. Being local history buffs we were thrilled to have a personally guided tour. Among the museum's treasures are a Confederate Battle Flag captured by a Houlton member of the 1st Maine Cavalry and a goat powered butter churn. Photographed the intriguing "Boy with the leaking boot" fountain.
Crossed the border at Bridgewater. No camping at Centreville, NB so headed back south to Woodstock where we booked in for two nights. Quick laundry and rest stop then dinner at Pizza Delight in town. Heavy thunderstorm prevented us from sleeping well in the tent. We stayed dry on the air matress but the noise was deafening.

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