Monday, July 24, 2006

"New" Tour Day 4: Houlton, Maine

We stayed last night in a KOA cabin in Canaan, Maine. The prospect of more rain has made us reluctant to camp in our tent. Campground manager asks Rupert, "Is that a clown car? Are you a clown?" He replies, "Yes, my costume is in the car."
Stopped for a very tasty lunch at Fully Brewed & Half Baked in Lincoln, NH. The owner came out to admire the smart and ask questions.
Went to Mount Washington Cog Railway - the world's first mountain cog railway built in 1869 by Sylvester Marsh. Would have gone for a ride if it weren't for the pouring rain. We enjoyed watching the train set off, touring their museum and having a bite of lunch.

Unfortunately the beautifully restored Gorham Historic Railway station was closed when we arrived but we made the best of the photo op.
Spending tonight at Ivey's Motor Lodge in Houlton in Aroostook County, Maine and plan to cross back into Canada at Bridgewater tomorrow.

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