Saturday, July 17, 2010

Crazy Daisy Tour Day 2: Whitehall, MI to Fond du Lac, WI

Drive to Ludington, MI where we park at the dock for the S.S. Badger. Unlike other ferries we've been on, staff drive vehicles onto the ship while passengers walk on. The Badger, which began service in 1953, was built to carry rail cars across Lake Michigan to Manitowoc, WI. She is the largest car ferry ever to sail Lake Michigan and is currently the only coal-fired steamship in operation in North America. The journey takes about 4 hours, and you lose an hour changing time zones. Photo above is Trudi being driven off the S.S. Badger at Manitowoc, WI.
We stop to wash some mud off the car at a lakefront park in Sheboygan, WI and a couple in an American smart car pull up to say hello. We very much enjoyed chatting to Edward and Carol who tow little "Smartie" behind their RV when wintering in California. It was interesting to compare the two cars and share stories.
Daily Distance: 201 km + ferry Fuel Cost: 0

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