Sunday, January 3, 2010

Emergency services brace for NYE influx

Emergency services will be out in force in Sydney's metropolitan area on New Year's Eve, with an estimated 1.5 million people expected to attend celebrations in the harbour city.
The Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipione, says 2,500 police will be on duty in Sydney on New Year's Eve with the majority patrolling the CBD.
He says their main job on the night will be to see that people get home safely, and he has warned drunks that bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
Commissioner Scipione says police from a number of divisions will be out, including the public order riot squad.
"We'll be having about 130 commuter crime officers on the train system alone, backed up by about 350-odd transit officers, so many people will go out and enjoy themselves, unfortunately some will go out and they will be arrested and they will be dealt with according to the law," he said.
Read full story and watch video here.

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